Opening day – 2023

Thank you, Ian Reodica and Zoltan Hartai IMG_7730 IMG_7727 IMG_7726 IMG_7722 IMG_7720 IMG_7718 IMG_7716 IMG_7714 IMG_7713 IMG_7712 IMG_7711 IMG_7710 IMG_7709 IMG_7707 IMG_7704 IMG_7700 IMG_7695 IMG_7694 IMG_7690 IMG_7689 IMG_7688 IMG_7687 IMG_7686 IMG_7685 IMG_7684...

Pickleball Ladder Instructions

Monday Evening Mixed Ladder Pickleball When will we be Playing: Mondeay Evenings, 6pm. Where: 12483 9th Line (pickleball/tennis courts). Who Can Play: Mixed ladder is for men and women pickleball players of any ability who are members of the Stouffville Pickleball...